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Dual Enrollment

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's Dual Enrollment program is open to high school students who are academically ready to take advanced college courses while still working towards a high school diploma.

Students are considered college students and must abide by the same college course prerequisites, associated course costs, and college policies and academic regulations. This higher education pathway allows academic advancement, rigorous coursework, and career exploration in higher education.

Dual Credit vs. Early Entry

  • Expands academic options for college-bound high school students. 
  • Provides a transitional stage for students to ease into more rigorous academic expectations while remaining in small class sizes and while still living at home.
  • Shortens the time required to complete a certificate, associates, or bachelor degree program. It is possible to complete the first year of required undergraduate courses during two high school years.
  • Delivers a substantial savings for both parents and students through both reduced tuition costs in addition to other college expenses.
  • Enables students of various learning styles to take courses taught either on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 campus, his/her high school campus, on-line, or through the State ITV/IVN communication system.
  • Allows for a successful start to earn a post-secondary education
Informational graphic on Williston State College's Dual Enrollment program.  The left side of the graphic highlights how Dual Enrollment works:  Open to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Students are encouraged to consult their high school counselor. Requires a high school GPA of at least 2.0 or higher. Students must submit an application, which may include an application fee. College credit is guaranteed upon successful course completion. The right side provides an overview of Dual Enrollment:  Open to high school students ready to take advanced college courses while earning a high school diploma. Students are considered college students and must meet course prerequisites, pay associated costs, and adhere to college policies and academic regulations. The program supports academic advancement, rigorous coursework, and career exploration. At the bottom, a comparison between Dual Credit and Early Entry:  Dual Credit: Credits count toward both a high school diploma and a college degree. Early Entry: Credits count only toward a college degree. The background includes subtle imagery of 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 branding, with green and white accents.

What is Dual Credit?

Area high schools work collaboratively with 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 to provide advanced college courses for students at their schools. When high school administrators also count these courses for high school credit, students may additionally earn high school graduation credit. All courses are college courses; however, they may be located at the high school with an approved 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 instructor, taught via distance education, or on the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 campus. The College only issues college course credit and sends copies of course grades to the student's requested high school.
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How to Enroll as an Dual Enrollment Student
New Dual Enrollment Student Instructions

1. Apply for Dual Enrollment Student Admission .
Select "create account". Once your account has been officially created, you will be able to log in and start your application for admission. Early Entry students should select their major/program as non-degree. Once your application has been submitted, it will take 1-2 business days for processing. Once processed, a dual credit student hold will be placed on your account. This will only prevent the student from adding or dropping courses themselves as 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 enrolls the student.

Graphic with instructions for applying to Williston State College:  Apply online at lqqqhuanbao.com/admissions. Click 'SIGN-UP' to create an account. Create a login and password. Start a new application. At 99%, click 'Submit Application.' The background features a subtle lion watermark with a teal banner and bold text emphasizing the word 'Apply' on the right side.


2. Claim your Campus Connection Account.
You should receive an email with directions on how to claim your campus connection account within 7 days of applying. This email will also include your EMPLID (Student ID number) which is needed to complete this. This step is very important for students taking classes online, IVN or on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's campus. If you need your EMPLID prior to this 7 day window, please email wsc.admission@lqqqhuanbao.com. Graphic with information on submitting scores for Williston State College applications:  English (Composition 1) Math (College Algebra/Calculus 1) Developmental/Abnormal Psychology (only if AP Psychology was taken) Note: Only submit scores for classes that require them (ACT, EdReady, or AP). The design features a gray background, white text, and the word 'Scores' in bold script on the right side.

3. Set up your Student Email.
Once you are enrolled, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 faculty and staff will only respond to emails through your student email.

Graphic with instructions for accessing 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Email at Williston State College:  Go to your email. Login using Campus Connection Login (firstname.lastname). Set up DUO Mobile by following prompts. Login using DUO prompts. Note: Enter your Mobile Phone Number. DUO Mobile is an authentication app and is required for Campus Connection, Student Email, and Blackboard. The design features a gray background with bold white text and the title '冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Email' in large decorative script on the right side.

4. Access Blackboard.
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 uses Blackboard for IVN, online and some on campus classes. Your login will be the same as your campus connection account. Classes will not be available in Blackboard until 4PM on the first day of the semester. If you are taking an online class, you must set up your accounts and log into Blackboard the first week. If you do not, you will be dropped as a no show.

Graphic with instructions for accessing Blackboard at Williston State College:  Go to Blackboard. Login using Campus Connections & DUO. Complete at least one assignment in the first week. Note: Blackboard is typically only used if taking a class from a 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 instructor. The design features a teal background with bold black text and the title 'Blackboard' in large decorative script on the right side.


If you are planning on taking a Math or English course, an ACT/SAT or placement test will be required. Your high school can send over your ACT or SAT score. If you have not taken a placement test, click on the "placement test link" for directions on how to take ours. You can also find our placement test guideline on this page.

If you are planning on taking a course on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's campus, we will require a copy of your immunization record with the following vaccines or our Immunization Exemption Request Form filled out:

  • Two doses of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine for students born after 01/01/1957.
  • One dose of the meningococcal vaccine after the age of 16 for all students 21 and under.
For the complete Dual Enrollment Checklist and Step by Step Guide, CLICK HERE.
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Cost and Billing Information
Dual Enrollment students are charged for courses they enroll in through Williston State College.

The subsidized rate for early entry courses is $83.89 per credit hour. A 3-credit course would be $268.29. Courses being taught at a high school by a high school instructor would fall under this cost.

The unsubsidized rate for early entry courses is $148.42 per credit hous. A 3-credit course would be $461.88. Courses being taught online, through ITV, or on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's campus would fall under this cost. 

Dual Enrollment bills are sent the 5th week of the semester. These accounts are manually adjusted after all enrollment has been processed. Please wait until this time to pay your bill. Paper bills are sent to these students as all students do not have to set up their student email. Dual Enrollment students do not have to pay by the fee payment deadline as bills are not adjusted by this time. For information on Payment Options, please click here.  
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Returning Dual Enrollment

If you’re a dual enrollment student planning to continue your journey with 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载, here’s what you need to know:

Important: If you have been away for one full semester (not including summer break), you must reapply to attend Williston State College. To complete your application, visit Returning Students Application.

Steps to Return:

  1. Reapply if necessary. Students returning after one full semester away must submit a new application.
  2. Verify your login credentials. Ensure your Campus Connection and 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 email accounts are active and accessible. If you encounter any issues, contact 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's IT Help Desk for assistance.
    • Check your Campus Connection account for any holds that will prevent enrollment.
      • The most common hold that can be found on an early entry student's account are:
        • Delinquent Account Hold: This means a student has a past due bill. This must be paid prior to enrolling for a future term. To see payment options, please click here.
  3. Register for classes. Log into Campus Connection and select your courses for the upcoming term. Contact your high school counselor for guidance and approval.
  4. Check your financial obligations. Review your account in Campus Connection to confirm tuition and fees are set.
For questions or assistance with the reapplication or registration process, reach out to our Admissions Office at (701) 774-4200 or admissions@lqqqhuanbao.com.

If you are planning on taking a Math or English course, an ACT/SAT or placement test will be required. Your high school can send over your ACT or SAT score. If you have not taken a placement test, click on the "placement test link" for directions on how to take ours. You can also find our placement test guideline on this page.

If you are planning on taking a course on 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's campus, we will require a copy of your immunization record with the following vaccines or our Immunization Exemption Request Form filled out:

  • Two doses of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine for students born after 01/01/1957.
  • One dose of the meningococcal vaccine after the age of 16 for all students 21 and under.

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How to Drop a Course
To drop a dual enrollment course at Williston State College, log into your Campus Connection account and navigate to "Manage Classes" to select and drop the course. If dropping all courses, complete the "Cancel/Withdraw to Zero" form via the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 eForms section. Be sure to review 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's Important Dates to understand the financial and academic impact of dropping a course.

For a step by step guide, CLICK HERE.
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Ordering Books
Early Entry students are responsible for getting and paying for books on their own. You can visit the Bookstore website to order your books online. Students can have them shipped if they do not live in the area. You can also schedule a time for pickup.

If your parent or legal guardian will be picking your books up, either you need to be with or you need to email wsc.bookstore@lqqqhuanbao.com to let them know who is picking them up. They will need a valid picture ID to pick these books up. Information on how to order books is listed on their site as well as important textbook information. Please follow their policies and procedures during this process.
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Counselor/Parent Information
Offering 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's Early Entry courses through online, via IVN, on the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 campus, or even right at a high school opens up a potential of opportunities for your students.

Whether a student is interested in taking a General Education Required Transferability Agreement (GERTA) course or is interested in taking courses to earn a certification or associates degree, we work with your school to establish educational opportunities that enrich the academic levels of all students at a fraction of regular tuition costs.

For a student to be eligible to take Early Entry courses, they must be a sophomore, junior or a senior. To view more details regarding eligibility, please refer to NDUS Procedure 469.1

All steps and information for early entry courses can be found on this page.

Questions on courses? Please contact wsc.earlyentry@lqqqhuanbao.com or at 701.774.4202.
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Instructor Information
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 follows the NDUS guidelines for hiring all adjunct professors to teach college courses. If you are interested in being part of our instructing community, please send a resume and un-official transcript to the Director for Extended Learning. We look forward to working with you to develop incredible opportunities for both you and your students.
Early Entry Instructor Responsibilities
  • Work with their faculty mentor to create a syllabus that meets all of 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's syllabus requirements.
  • Instructors will distribute the approved syllabus to their students.
  • Respond to communications from their mentors in a timely manner.
  • Check their roster in campus connection to ensure all students have been officially enrolled.
  • Submit grades at the end of the term.
  • Stay in compliance with FERPA.
  • Attend annual professional development.Participate in 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's Early Entry electronic survey


Scholarship Opportunities

Below students will find financial support options that may help them on their academic journey.
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NDUS ND Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship

This scholarship rewards college students for taking dual-credit coursework as a high school student.  To qualify, students must meet the eligibility criteria, complete an application with the ND University System (NDUS), and provide all supporting documentation. Want to know more about the NDUS Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship? Click Here.

To qualify for the scholarship, students must:

  1. Be a North Dakota resident
  2. Have graduated from a high school in this state, or a high school in a bordering state covered under state law (N.D.C.C. 15.1-29), or have graduated from a nonpublic high school in a bordering state while residing with a custodial parent in this state, or have completed a program of home education under N.D.C.C. 15.1-23, and
  3. Have completed at least one dual-credit course provided by a NDUS institution while enrolled in high school or a program of home education, and
  4. Be currently enrolled at an institution of higher education in ND, and
  5. Have completed at least one semester, quarter or term at an institution of higher education in the state.
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Doris Marcoux Scholarship
Doris Marcoux Scholarship (First State Bank)- Any student attending Williston State College for Dual Credit may be considered. Each applicant must have had a “C” average or better scholastic standing during high school and/or college and evidence of a general aptitude for higher learning. Applicants must meet admission requirements for Williston State College. Scholarships are awarded on a semester-by-semester basis, so recipients will need to complete an application for each semester that they attend Williston State College. Preference will be given to students entering the field of education. 
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冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Dual-Credit/Early-Entry Scholarship
The 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Dual-Credit/Early-Entry Scholarship is aimed at providing financial support to students who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to their education through participation in our dual-credit and early-entry programs


The 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Dual-Credit/Early-Entry Scholarship has been designed to refund all out-of-pocket costs incurred by eligible students for tuition related to dual-credit or early-entry courses after any scholarships, waivers, and/or 3rd party payments. This initiative is a testament to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's commitment to fostering academic excellence and supporting the educational journey of our students.


To apply, please fill out the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Dual-Credit/Early-Entry Application and submit the completed application with all supporting documentation to the Financial Aid office located in Stevens Hall – Student Services (Rm. 105) or email to wsc.financialaid@lqqqhuanbao.com or mail to Williston State College, 1410 University Ave., Attn: Financial Aid, Williston, ND 58801. 
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